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监理人员英文自我评价 篇1

  Time flashed, such as the gap between the gap, 20xx is nearing completion, review their contact with the project supervision in the past year's work, under the leadership of the care and guidance, with the help and encouragement of colleagues, through their own Unremitting efforts to master a certain amount of knowledge, but there are many deficiencies. Report on the work of this year are summarized as follows:

  First, the main work of the annual personal content

  In this year's work, I participated in the supervision of Dandong New District Hospital project, during which I hold the work while studying the attitude of the work, summed up the work of each process and points to find do not understand Problems, timely access to norms and to the leadership and colleagues advice, bit by bit accumulation of work experience.

  The quality of work, according to supervision norms, engineering drawings and supervision rules strictly supervised. In the new district hospital project, most of the time I was at the site site, starting from the main project last year until now the external wall decoration and interior plastering. In the meantime found himself a lot of do not understand the place, through access to norms and other means to fill their vacancies in the area, the next encounter in a similar situation can be resolved independently. For the need to stand next to the station to do next to the station record, for the acceptance of hidden works in strict accordance with the norms of acceptance, if the acceptance is unqualified, is prohibited for the next process operations, such as October this year, B and E masonry projects exist Structural column and the level of tie beam reinforcement and bar reinforcement quality defects, the supervision found that there are quality problems after several oral notice of its rectification, the construction unit is always dragging the ladder to muddle through, and I strictly abide by the norms and supervision rules for supervision Work, its existence and refused to rectification problems issued a notice of supervision, and notify the construction unit project manager on the existence of some of the problems, and the construction unit of the masonry project submitted inspection materials strictly review, failure or Not the place where the rectification will never sign. The entry of materials, equipment, and so the original certificate test report quality inspection documents to confirm and confirm the approach to the steel after the witness to follow the construction side of the quality inspection station and a series of tracking work. As a result of the construction site of some of the funds, leading to the progress of construction and construction plans for a more serious lag, Du sum I have been in the middle of the coordination of construction units on schedule payment of funds, the construction unit reasonable arrangements for the process, that guarantee quality and duration. In this year's study and Du total care, I strictly control the quality of the materials, inspection and approval, sub-project acceptance must be done personally check, conclusions and in-kind must be consistent. For the acceptance of the project has been plausible, the test is not in place, go through the motions and other situations, Du total time to give guidance and help, I am more able to grasp the main points of the work.

  Second, the work experience and lack of experience

  Work experience and lack of supervision through this year's work, I feel as a supervisor only to do good behavior, strict self-discipline, into the team, respect for others, work seriously responsible for winning the respect of others. I met a lot of new things at the site. With Du's careful guidance and help, I learned a lot of new theories and practical experiences, which not only enrich the knowledge I could not learn in the field of specialization and atlas, but also broaden My knowledge of the industry. This year I learned a lot of professional and technical knowledge and interpersonal skills to coordinate the work of the community to continue to work hard to learn, put their minds, from the beginning of social work to change the passive state to adapt to social initiative State, in order to relax the mood, full of energy to continue into the work of tension. In future work I will be more efforts to learn the knowledge and practice of the professional capacity, and constantly sum up the lessons, and strive to do better.

  The professional quality of our supervisors is uneven and the level is far from meeting the market demand. Most of the supervisors come from pure technology or construction enterprises. The knowledge structure is single, and the organization and coordination capacity is not enough. So I think I, as a young supervisor must pay attention to learning, to the site does not say outsiders, and can effectively solve the problems in the project for the construction unit advice and suggestions. Elite backbone to keep making progress, play a leading role, the new young people to study hard, pay attention to practice, do a little bit, focus on the accumulation of experience, should catch up as soon as possible.

  As the real estate industry is not a special boom, the supervision industry, the employment situation as if I have a higher demand, first, the business level should be high, single-minded on the project. The second is to improve relations and coordination. I think that supervision is a service behavior, through their own professional work by the construction unit recognition, to obtain compensation to the site, we must straighten out the position, not to experts, to the law enforcement of the tone, told the construction unit in accordance with the specification procedures And laws and regulations should be how to do, but to be good at explaining the situation, so that the construction unit to understand the benefits of doing so. On the construction unit and not to managers themselves, should be clearly identified problems, said clearly to strengthen inspection and acceptance. In the process of the new district hospital, I do have a lot of things can not be resolved, then I will let the construction side, the project director to coordinate, to avoid my own to try to be tough.

  Third, personal career development views and opinions on the company

  Personal career development planning: to engage in supervision work, know too much too little, can not be satisfied with the reality, so I still have to learn to do more next year, in accordance with the work needs to gradually in-depth study of the professional knowledge, work to comply with the companyOf the management, enhance team awareness, further integration into our collective, and the use of spare time to learn more on the requirements of the standard to improve their business level. For myself, more for the company, I hope the company to organize some of our staff training, so that we can better do the job, so that we can do more for the company to do something, play a light and their own heat.

监理人员英文自我评价 篇2











监理人员英文自我评价 篇3







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