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员工自我考核评价 篇1








员工自我考核评价 篇2




员工自我考核评价 篇3

  Over the past year, I am strict with myself in thinking, always as a people's teachers to constrain themselves, spur their own, love the party, love the people, uphold the party's education policy, loyal to the party's education. In the work for all the students, teaching and educating people, teachers, attention to the development of students' personality, attention to stimulate students' creative ability, cultivate students' moral, intellectual, physical, beauty, labor comprehensive development. I also actively participate in various business training and study, and strive to improve their overall quality. Obey the leadership arrangements, and actively cooperate with the school a variety of work, on time to complete the school arrangements for the task.

  First, education and teaching work:

  In the school educational work under the work arrangement, in accordance with the curriculum standards, careful study of materials, careful lesson preparation, the curriculum standards, teaching and practical ability to combine the time to complete the provisions of the education and teaching tasks, and to establish "student-centered" , Comprehensively improve the students 'knowledge and skills, and earnestly implement the training of students' creative thinking and creativity, so that students in the language, basic knowledge of mathematics, basic skills and other aspects of the ability to continue to improve.

  Carefully develop the class work plan and write a summary of the work, and actively participate in the school organization of ethics, school-based teaching and research, the new standard, educational technology training, scientific development concept knowledge training and learning, each study can arrange work in advance, , Work properly.

  In addition, in teaching I attach great importance to emotional communication with students, respect for students' enthusiasm for learning and cognitive ability to guide students to understand the national culture and encourage them to boldly explore and innovate, combined with the national cultural content of literary creation, Get very good results.

  Second, other aspects:

  In my spare time, I continue to strengthen theoretical research, writing education and teaching papers, but also created a personal blog and net personal space, the usual educational work, teaching gains and losses, listening experience, training experience, teaching confusion and life, Net school counterparts to share and common progress, but also enrich the amateur life.

  Third, efforts to:

  In the new year, I will be excellent peer model, strengthen their political learning, business temper, and constantly improve the level of education and teaching, to make greater contributions to the development of the school.

  In short, since his current position, as an ordinary education on the front of a member, although the class management and teaching work has made certain achievements, many times by the higher levels of government recognition, but I think this is just my life career start, But also feel the weight of shoulder burden, I am willing to arrogance and impatience, make persistent efforts to strive for more brilliant tomorrow.

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