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货车司机的英文自我评价 篇1

  1, life:

  Cheerful, humorous and generous, with good coordination and communication skills, and team spirit.

  2, the work:

  Clear thinking, a strong sense of responsibility, to overall situation. Good professionalism, able to endure hardship, and work under pressure. And has a very high judgments and ability to act decisively. Good at summing up the work experience, each project on the overall personal summary.

  3, personal expertise:

  Veterans, veterans to Panyu after the post of college instructors, work hard, meticulous, dedicated. In the army but a driver, with the troops out of a number of provinces and cities, the driver is my long term job, driving experience, mature and stable, able to act decisively, flew to see before.

货车司机的英文自我评价 篇2

  10 years of work experience, skilled driving skills, car maintenance and general maintenance familiar with, cherish the vehicle; with a high degree of professionalism and teamwork, can Chikunailao, practical work, work together with colleagues, obey orders, respect for leadership ; In January 20__ I have applied to the "re-employment concession certificate" I am cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence.

  I am cheerful, stable, warm and sincere. Work hard, proactive, able to endure hardships; safe driving ability and coordination of emergency response capabilities, like to drive, work hard, regardless of where the work are regarded as their own home, I hope my action can solve your companyTo create a better performance.

货车司机的英文自我评价 篇3

  Recently, German Hitler comedy film, "my head: Adolf Hitler's truth" Jewish director Danny Levy with a cold humorous way to describe Hitler as a depression, and absurd to the head not only often wet the bed, like the bathtub And warships to play war, but also indulge in drugs, and the mistress Eva's relationship also has a false name, the Germans seem to be able to get obscene pleasure, we see, World War II and the Jewish massacre is not all German errors, Germany People are good, just because they happen to be a lunatic leader and patient!

  Hitler's personal image by the ugly, the German nation can collectively off sin? Hitler itself is the German national revenge and will of the people on behalf of the war, the failure of Hitler described as a devil clown as if everyone can feel relaxed, but it is false self-deception, if not thousands of , The Hitler and the Nazis were able to come to power and bring an unprecedented catastrophe to the brink of national destruction.

  I appreciate the first human Hitler film "The Destruction of the Empire." In this film Hitler is more like a German neighbor, uncle, gentle and polite to the surrounding lady, he will cry, like to eat chocolate cake, often holding a beloved shepherd walks. In the moment of poisoning the dog will be unable to bear and turned away because it is also a person who has lived in this world! Can be simply because Hitler re-positioning is a person in the public opinion caused a great disturbance.

  Anti-Nazi personage, the German contemporary well-known writer Thomas Mann once in his essay "our brothers Hitler" in Hitler did "humanization" description. He hoped that Germany could face Hitler, he said: "Hitler's appearance is not accidental, he is a truly normal German phenomenon. Against many Germans to the emergence of Nazi as a historical accident, the real devil is in each The heart of Germany! Thomas Mann reveals the German characteristics until today also make the Germans feel pain, because his revealing is appropriate, today is still worthy of people thinking.

  From Germany's political and cultural traditions of Hitler came to power, this is entirely logical, but also completely correct, because Germany exists on the one hand, idealism and romanticism, on the other hand there are ancient autocratic history of the country, people are used to looking for a A strong leader, a strongman. Is Germany in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century was depressed by the national interests of the extreme emotional outbreak, Germany's own choice, and ultimately there must be Hitler such a culmination of the characters. Is a post-war full of oppression, injustice and hatred, humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles created Hitler and war!

  Guderian also said that Hitler is a vegetarian, do not drink, do not smoke."From a personal point of view, his way of life is very noble and pure, very worthy of admiration.

  Who in the reign of Hitler, if the courage to resist, he first is a bold man, famous Guderian talked about the attitude of the Germans on Hitler: "I have participated in numerous reports and meetings, know very few people Is dare to be opposed to him, and Hitler, and these people are still alive in today's even less.Some people only dare to whisper in the corridor conversation, to express their opposition, or encourage others to die .

  World War II Germany's expansion and the Japanese aggression in the East is different from the European territory of the origin of view to the Germanic people to create the Holy Roman Empire has ruled the majority of Europe, later because of historical reasons, Germany did not end quickly after the Middle Ages Bismarck in 1871 to build the second German Empire, is equal to once an important component of the South German people will be excluded, the Germans in the form of the actual unity of the surface under the split, Hitler became a successful fuse in the Second World War, Hitler successfully recovered the war lost Saar region, troops stationed in the country's Reynolds demilitarized zone, the exercise of a country's legitimate territorial sovereignty, in 1938 Austria, Czechoslovakia Of the Soviet Union and Chinese Taiwan region into the German territory. Recover territory, peaceful expansion of the territory. All this is in line with the interests of the German nation, Hitler gained a high degree of prestige and the German support.

  In World War II, Germany showed a remarkable military flexibility, and was adept at using an indirect strategy of roundabout and surprise. In the relationship between the rule of the occupied territories and the relationship with the Allies has shown that Germany's arrogance, domineering, rigid and selfish cold, the Germans stupid to create their own numerous enemies, so that the prospects for Germany difficult.

  Germany's use of the invention of World War II armored blitzkriegs, jets, and missiles opened up a new era of war. Hitler to Germany's glory and glory reached its peak in history, but also quickly slipped into the abyss of destruction.

  It can be said that the vitality and creativity of Germany, Germany's efficiency, diligence, excellent and brutal evil in the World War done in the most vividly show!

  As for the brutal and bloody in World War II, I would like to remind you that massacres and violence have become a means of resolving contradictions. There is no qualitative difference between warfare and genocide, cruelty is the fashion of that era. The US and British allies had long known the killing of the Jews, but no one protested and stopped. In fact, my heart is smiling. As for the European countries, many of them are scrambling to send the Jews Hitler is doing what they want to do and dare not do.

  To Hitler as a madman devil is simple, it seems that this will reduce the guilt of each German, Hitler became the scapegoat of the German conscience! But in fact it also insulted their own national IQ, I would like to ask a madman devil every leader of the nation is what kind of nation, is it a mentally handicapped nation?

  Today, Hitler spared no effort, many of which are also the Nazis for the brilliant and triumphant. For these people, the so-called rationality is the king defeated Kou.

  All the praise and boundless slander are necessarily objective and paranoid political propaganda, in the lion's body on the bounce is often only rats and the crows, the most important thing is to say, , In this case to induce many people can not be objective and rational thinking, I am afraid that conclusion is definitely not correct.

  Now rejects all Nazi Germany's objection to Hitler's war of aggression and the defeat of the war, so that all his social reform of state reform is only considered a deception, but so far, the European countries, but The idea of a welfare society was developed. Then the capitalist countries and the so-called socialist countries have conducted aggression and interference in the internal affairs of other countries in this century, and that their civilization achievements are worthless?

  The rulers who died in shame and dishonor did not show their bravery and fearlessness. When the characters had become history, it was necessary to deal with the historical phenomenon and essence with the objective psychology of the study. Nazism and all the socialist movements in history are human beings to explore their own destiny and future development and try, do not forget the earliest welfare state is the national socialism before the war Germany Germany. Despite the painful price paid in the world after being denied. But Hitler was not only a dictatorship destroyed by infinite power, but also as a failed idealist. Hope we hate the sin, not the man.

  A lack of rational thinking, like to blame all the evil of a person's society is inevitable to repeat the same mistakes. The thinking that Hitler gives us will accompany the 21st century.

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