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河北隆兴寺英语导游词 篇1

  Zhengding Longxing Temple:

  Longxing Temple, a thousand year old temple, has attracted generations ofpeople with its strong artistic charm. Since 1974, more than 70 nationalleaders, including Tian Jiyun, Bo Yibo, Li Peng, Li Ruihuan, Wu Jieping, PengChong, Peng Peiyun, Qian Qichen, Chi Haotian and Jiang Chunyun, have visitedLongxing Temple. On November 5, 20__, when Secretary Jiang inspected LongxingTemple, he highly praised its profound historical and cultural accumulation andwrote a memorial inscription. Longxing Temple of Northern Song Dynasty inZhengding, Hebei Province - this temple was originally built in Sui Dynasty andwas originally called longzang temple. It was only rebuilt in the early SongDynasty when its current name was used. Its general layout still retains thestyle of Song Dynasty, and it is a narrow rectangle with north-south centralaxis. There is a screen wall on the opposite side of the gate and a stone bridgeand archway in front of it. The bell and drum towers on the left and rightinside the gate and the hall of the sixth division of Dajue on the front havebeen destroyed. Then there are the East-West hall and the mani hall. Behind thehall are the altar (the corridor around and the Weituo hall at the back end nolonger exist), the Cishi Pavilion and the zhuanlunzang hall. Then there are theEast-West stele Pavilion and the Buddha incense Pavilion. Finally, there is theMituo hall. The abbot and the monk's house are in the east of the BuddhistPavilion, with kitchen and stable. Due to the use of the change of buildingvolume and courtyard space, the axis is long but not rigid.

  Longxing Temple covers an area of 82500 square meters. The main buildingsfrom south to north are Zhaobi, Shiqiao, Tianwang hall, Dajue Liushi Hall(site), Mani hall, pailou, jietan, Cishi Pavilion, zhuanlunzang Pavilion, DabeiPavilion, yushulou, Jiqing Pavilion, Mituo hall and Pilu hall. There are sixcultural relics in the temple, which can be rated as the best in the country:the Song Dynasty building mani hall, which is regarded as an isolated example ofthe world's ancient daozuo Guanyin building by Mr. Liang Sicheng, an expert inancient architecture; the daozuo Guanyin hall, which is regarded as the"Oriental beauty God" by Mr. Lu Xun; the largest runner collection in the earlyperiod of China; the longzang Temple stele, which is praised as the first stelein the Sui Dynasty; the tallest bronze Buddha in ancient China; and the mostexquisite bronze Pilu Buddha in ancient China. In addition, in the northeast ofthe temple, there is a Ming and Qing Dynasty garden, Longteng garden, whichintegrates cultural relics display, tourism and leisure. The statue ofAvalokitesvara with thousand hands is a 21.3-meter-high bronze statue ofAvalokitesvara made in Kaibao fourth year of the Northern Song Dynasty at theorder of Zhao Kuangyin. Together with Cangzhou lion, Dingzhou tower and ZhaozhouDashiqiao, they are called "four treasures of Hebei". The thousand handedAvalokitesvara in Dabei pavilion was cast in the fourth year of Kaibao (971) ofthe Northern Song Dynasty. The lower xumizuo was built after the bronze statuewas cast. The plane of xumizuo is in the shape of "Le Yi", with a total lengthof 30.49 meters. It is 12.52 meters long in front, 5.54 meters long in the East,5.36 meters long in the west, 3.62 meters long in the East and 3.45 meters longin the West. It is composed of Shangfang, Shangxiao, Shuyao, Xiaxiao, Xiafangand Guijiao, with a height of 2.23 meters. According to the different positionand content, it adopts a variety of techniques, such as low relief, high relief,round carving and openwork carving, which makes the overall performance not onlygorgeous and changeable, but also rigorous and symmetrical.

  2. The original statue of the four heavenly kings was destroyed in 1966,and the existing statue of the four heavenly kings was rebuilt in 1982. Like 4.8meters high, dressed in armor, stepping on the night fork, the name and image ofthe four heavenly kings are: the southern growth heavenly king, "growth" meansto be able to command all living beings, increase good roots, and protectBuddhism. He holds a sword, because the wind is generated by sword dancing, soit is called "wind"; in the East, he holds the kingdom of heaven, and "holdingthe kingdom" means to be compassionate and to protect all living beings. Heholds a Pipa in his hand, which is called "Diao" because it can transfer itspronunciation; in the north, he hears a lot about the heavenly king, which meanshappiness and virtue, and is well-known all over the world. He holds a preciousumbrella, which is called "rain" because it can block rain; In the west,"Guangmu" means to be able to observe the world at any time and protect allliving beings with a pure eye. He twines a snake in his hand, which means tosurrender and surrender. It means "Shun", which is collectively known as "Feng,Diao, Yu and Shun".

  3. Sakyamuni and his two disciples The statue of Sakyamuni and his twodisciples in the middle of the hall of Mani is a clay sculpture of the SongDynasty. The statue of Sakyamuni in the middle is 9.28 meters high. It has adignified appearance. It has a bun and hair, a cassock on the shoulder, a skirton the lower body, a broad seat covering the skirt, and a hand seal. It isdecorated with a head light on the back. The body light and the shape have alarge backlight of bodhi tree branches and leaves, lions, elephants, sheep andmoye. But the upper part is incomplete, with a height of 9.28 meters.Sakyamuni's name is Siddhartha, and his family name is Qiao Damo, which meansthe sage of Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni stands on the east side of the statue of hisdisciple Kaya. He holds his fist with both hands. He is mature and prudent. Heis 4.8 meters tall. The statue of disciple Ananda standing on the west side,hands together, faithful and devout, 4.9 meters high.

河北隆兴寺英语导游词 篇2

  The Longxing Temple we are going to now is located in Zhengding County, 15kilometers north of Shijiazhuang. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Beijing ShenzhenExpressway pass through the territory. It takes about 40 minutes from downtownto Zhengding County. Zhengding is the South Gate of Beijing. It has always beena place for military strategists. In history, it was called "Sanxiong town inthe north" together with Baoding and Beijing. Up to now, stone carvings of"Sanguan Xiong town" are embedded in the South Gate of Zhengding. Zhengding isan ancient cultural city with a long history. It was the state of Xianyu in thespring and Autumn period. The Warring States period belonged to the state ofZhongshan. After Zhao destroyed Zhongshan, it belonged to the state of Zhao. Inthe Qin Dynasty, it belonged to Hengshan County. In the early Han Dynasty, itwas called Dongyuan County. In the reign of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty, itwas renamed Zhending, implying real stability. Since 1400, it has been the seatof government, state, county and county. In 1723, the emperor yongzhengyuan ofQing Dynasty avoided the name of Yinzhen, the emperor Shizong, so it is still inuse today.

  With a long history, Zhengding has left a unique style of scenic spots andhistoric sites, known as "three mountains are missing, nine bridges are missing,nine floors, four towers, eight temples, and 24 gold medals square". "San ShanBu Jian" refers to the fact that Zhengding used the names of Zhongshan, Hengshanand Changshan in history, but there was no mountain in Zhengding. "Nine bridgesdo not flow" means that there are three bridges in front of the gate of LongxingTemple, in front of the main hall of Gufu and county Confucian temple, but theyare all dry bridges. "Nine towers, four towers and eight temples" refer to thefour gate towers, four corner towers and Yanghe tower of the ancient city; fourtowers refer to Lingxiao tower, Huata tower, Xumi tower and chengling tower;Eight Temples refer to Longxing Temple, Guanghui temple, Linji temple, KaiyuanTemple, Tianning Temple, Qiansi temple, housi temple and Chongyin temple. "24gold medal archways" means that Zhengding used to have 24 gold medal archways,large and small, such as the larger Xujia archway and Liangjia archway. With thechange of history and the wind and rain, many precious cultural relics have beendestroyed. However, judging from the existing four national protected culturalrelics, seven provincial protected cultural relics and more than 10 county-levelprotected cultural relics, it is still a famous historical and cultural city.The ancient city was listed as a provincial historical and cultural city in 1990and a national historical and cultural city in 1994.

  Zhengding tourism has the characteristics of "new and old", "elegant andpopular". Among many places of interest, Longxing Temple, which was built in 586ad, was built by Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of Song Dynasty. It ismajestic and well preserved. It enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. Itis praised as "the first famous temple outside Beijing" by the famous ancientarchitect Mr. Liang Sicheng. In addition, the Huata of Guanghui temple is aclever combination of Vajra pagoda and flower pagoda. The Lingxiao tower ofTianning Temple is the first wooden tower in China. The Tang Dynasty bell towerof Kaiyuan Temple corresponds to the ancient pagoda, which provides valuableinformation for the study of the development of Buddhism in China. The chenglingPagoda in Linji temple is the mantle pagoda of Yixuan, the founder of Linji sectof Buddhism. At ordinary times, a large number of Japanese monks come to worshipthe ancestral pagoda, which becomes a link between China and Japan.

  There are many new landscapes in Zhengding, which mainly focus on promotingnational culture. Rongguofu was built in strict accordance with thearchitectural pattern of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. There are alsojourney to the West Palace, Fengshen romance palace and so on. In addition, thenational table tennis training base in Zhengding is also famous.

  In a few minutes, we are going to have the grand Longxing Temple. Let megive you a brief introduction to the general situation of Longxing Temple.Longxing Temple is a large-scale, earlier, majestic and well preserved Buddhistbuilding complex in China. In order to keep this famous temple well preserved,Premier Zhou Enlai gave instructions on the battle plan before the "Zhengtaicampaign": we must try to protect a number of cultural relics and historic sitessuch as Zhengding Longxing Temple.

  Longxing Temple was built in the sixth year of kaihuang (586 AD) of SuiDynasty. It was named longzang temple at the beginning, and was changed intoLongxing Temple in Tang Dynasty. In the fourth year of Kaibao of Song Dynasty(971 AD), in the name of song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, Longxing Temple was expanded,Dabei pavilion was built, and 21.3-meter-high bronze Avalokitesvara withthousands of hands and eyes was cast. A group of Song Dynasty buildings rosefrom the ground. In Jin, yuan and Ming Dynasties, they were all repaired andrebuilt. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of QingDynasty, it was rebuilt twice, and the Imperial Palace was built on both sides.In 1709, it was rebuilt and renamed "Longxing Temple". This is probably becauseEmperor Kangxi also thought that Zhengding had outstanding people and was afraidof the emperor in the future, so he changed "dragon" to "dragon".

  Longxing Temple covers an area of 82500 square meters. The main buildingsstill retain the style and characteristics of Song Dynasty architecture. Thewhole building is arranged on a central axis from south to north, includingErlong Xizhu Zhaobi, Sankong stone bridge, Tianwang hall, ruins of Dajue Liushihall, Mani hall, altar, Cishi Pavilion, zhuanlunzang Pavilion, Dabei Pavilion,Mituo hall, Pilu hall, etc.

  Having said that, we have arrived at Longxing Temple. Please follow me tovisit.

  Erlongxizhu, Zhaobi, Shiqiao

  The tall glazed screen wall that we see now is a screen wall that blocksthe gate of ancient temples and famous people. In the center of the wall is thepattern of "two dragons playing with pearls" carved on glazed bricks. The twodragons are flying in the sky, which is very spectacular. The three single holestone bridges we are now passing are three of the nine bridges that do not flow.According to folklore, there used to be half a Luan stand here, and ZhaoKuangyin visited here many times.

  The most important hall in the temple -- Tianwang Hall

  Tianwang hall is one of the most important halls in Longxing Temple. It hasthree deep rooms and three wide rooms. It is a Northern Song Dynasty buildingwith single eaves and seven purlins. However, it was overhauled in the QingDynasty, as evidenced by floating clouds and Dougong.

  On the top of the central arch of the hall, there is a gold horizontalplaque written by Xuanye, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. You come into thehall with me. In the middle of the hall is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly anda smiling face. He is one of the Mahayana Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. The orthodoxMaitreya Buddha should wear a Bodhisattva costume and a heavenly crown.According to the Buddhist Scripture, Maitreya is his surname, ayido. He was borninto a big Brahman family in southern India and was a distinguished nobleman.After becoming a disciple of Sakyamuni, he ascended to the 33rd level of heaven,douhutian (the paradise of alternate Buddha). The Buddha predicted that he wouldinherit Sakyamuni's Buddhism and become a Buddha in the future. In other words,he is the legal successor of the Buddha, also known as the future Buddha. Thecloth bag in his hand is called the heaven and earth bag, also known as the racebag. It can hold the world and give away children, implying that Buddhism isboundless.

  Now we can see the Buddha statue of Maitreya with big belly. It is saidthat it was a monk in the Five Dynasties and a native of Fenghua, ZhejiangProvince. It's called cheeZe. When I was alive, I often carried a cloth bag,begged when I saw things, talked incoherently, and slept at will, like madness.He is the author of the book "the passing of the world", which says: "Maitreyais true Maitreya, which is divided into hundreds of billions. It shows peoplefrom time to time, and the world does not know it." in addition, in the historyof Zhejiang Province, Maitreya reincarnation organized many peasant uprisings,so the world thought that he was the incarnation of Maitreya, and createdMaitreya according to his appearance. Some Siyuan wrote another antitheticalcouplet on both sides of the Straits Association: "if you have a big stomach,you can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world. When youopen your mouth, you will laugh at the ridiculous people in the world."

  On both sides of the hall are the familiar four heavenly kings. They arethe kings of the East, the south, the West and the north. They hold pipa, sword,dragon and umbrella respectively. After the four heavenly kings were introducedinto China, they were endowed with Chinese Moral: the southern heavenly king wasin charge of the wind, the eastern heavenly king was in charge of the wind, thenorthern heavenly king was in charge of the rain, and the Western heavenly kingwas in charge of the rain. All in all, they are "in good weather", implying abumper harvest of grain.

  When you come here, you may have some doubts: why don't you see themountain gate? Most temples should pass the mountain gate first and then enterthe temple, but Longxing Temple has no mountain gate. There is a beautifullegend here. It is said that Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynastyordered general Yuchi Jingde to supervise the construction of Longxing Temple.When the project was about to end, the news came that the king of the TangDynasty wanted to kill Qin Qiong. Qin Qiong was Yuchi Gong's good friend. YuchiGong quickly returned to the court. When he arrived near Kaifeng, HenanProvince, the Construction officials caught up with him and asked him where themountain gate was. Yuchi Gong was very anxious. Without thinking, he pointedwith a steel whip: "it's here to repair.". So the builders built the mountaingate there. Up to now, there is a doggerel in Zhengding: "the gate of the templeis far away, and the gate is in Henan.". Of course, it's just a legend.According to historical research, Yuchi Gong has never been to Zhengding, letalone the theory that the king of Tang Dynasty killed Qin Qiong. It is only acommon layout of temple buildings to replace the Mountain Gate with the heavenlyking hall.

  Eternal regret: the ruins of the Sixth Division Hall of Dajue

  The ruins we see now are the ruins of the Sixth Division Hall of Dajue,which used to be the largest Buddhist hall in the temple. It is said that thebuilding is 34.5 meters wide and 18.3 meters high, with colorful hangingmountains and gold statues inside, which is very spectacular. It was first builtin the Yuanfeng period of Shenzong of Song Dynasty. The capitals of Jin, yuanand Qing Dynasties were rebuilt. In the early years of the Republic of China, itwas a great pity that it collapsed because of years of disrepair. Dajue isanother explanation of the purpose. Buddha is the transliteration abbreviationof "Buddha" in Sanskrit, and free translation is "awakener". According to theBuddhist Scripture, those who can be "conscious", "aware of others" and "awareof perfection" can become Buddhas.

  It is said that there were six Buddha statues here, and Hinayana Buddhismbelieved that they were the six ancestors before Sakyamuni. According tohistorical records, Brahmanism prevailed in ancient India at the end of thesixth century, but it advocated that Brahmanism created man, which wasessentially a kind of racial discrimination. In this way, many people areagainst it. In addition to Sakyamuni, there are six influential figures. In aword, they are different from Buddhism and are called "the six masters ofWaiDao". Here is dedicated to the six masters other than Buddhism, which meansthat the ancient political unity of the majority.

  Mani Hall: the architectural model of the Song Dynasty's "building Frenchstyle"

  There are six places in Longxing Temple, which can be called the best inChina. Now let's take a look at the first place: the shape of Mani hall. We arenow standing outside the hall to see the main hall: the plane of the main hallis in a cross shape, with mountain flowers in the middle of all the fourdirections. In the center of the hall is a double eaves and a top of Xieshanmountain, with green tiles for filling the core and green glazed tiles fortrimming. Under the eaves, the brackets are grand, the distribution is sparse,the columns are thick, and the rolling brake, side corner and rising areobvious. Careful observation shows that the two ends of the horizontal columnare high, medium and low, and the upper end of the vertical column is graduallyinward. This kind of structure is similar to the Song Dynasty's "Zao Zao FAShi", which was very common before the Tang and Song Dynasties, and graduallylost after the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This is the only isolated example ofancient architecture in China. This unique building once deeply attracted Mr.Liang Sicheng. In 1933, he braved war and chaos to come to inspect, andspecially included this photo in the history of world architecture.

  The word "mani" in Mani hall means hero and saint. Some people think it isanother transliteration of "Mou Ni"; others think it means Manichaeism. We canalso see lions, chickens, peacocks, horses, dragons and other animals on theeaves of the pavilion of Mani hall, as well as a monk riding a lion. He is whatwe often call "Wangfeng Buddha". In Buddhism, he was built around the roof toshow the evil spirit of avoiding disaster.

  Please follow me into the hall. We can see that the colorful clay sculpturein the center is a sitting statue of Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni and Confucius arecontemporaries. They are the founders of Buddhism. Their surname is qiaodamo andtheir name is Siddhartha. Standing on his right side, his elder disciple JIAYEis holding his fist with both hands. The wise and devout man with his left handfolded is Ananda. Chinese Zen said that he was the second generation patriarchwho inherited Buddhism. The above three statues are original sculptures of theSong Dynasty. The two figures in front of the three statues are ManjusriBodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva, who were made up during the Chenghua periodof the Ming Dynasty. Their mounts are lions and white elephants. When it comesto Bodhisattvas, the four Bodhisattvas in China are Manjusri, Puxian, Guanyinand dizang. He praised Manjusri as "great wisdom", sages as "great action",Guanyin as "great sorrow", and dizang as "great wish". They are said to havefour famous Buddhist Mountains: Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, Mount Putuo and MountJiuhua.

  Let's take a look at the murals around the hall. This is a picture of theorigin and development of the Shi family, which was drawn during the Chenghuaperiod of the Ming Dynasty with Buddhist stories as the theme. This muralvividly depicts the whole process of Sakyamuni's birth, becoming a monk,asceticism, becoming a Taoist and nirvana. The existing area is 422 squaremeters. Let's take a look at the East gable wall's "Grand View of the west":this mural depicts the prosperity of the Western Paradise. Let's take a closerlook at the lower left corner of the painting. Within an area of about 1 squaremeter, it depicts the human life, old age, illness, death and many othersufferings in a dim gray green. It is in sharp contrast to the splendor of thesky. Buddhists believe that only devout practice can get rid of the eightsufferings in the world and become Buddhists.

  Please follow me to the north side of the temple and have a look at thesecond most popular place in the country in Longxing Temple: daozuo Guanyin.What we see now is an exquisite and elegant colorful mountain. Luohan and theGod of Dharma guard patrol the mountains. Water spray animals and waterabsorbing animals keep the sea water flowing, which symbolizes that there aresuccessors to Buddhism. The 3.4-meter-high statue in the middle is the famousinverted Guanyin. As we all know, most statues in temples face south. But thisGuanyin is facing north from south. Please see, Guanyin's left foot is steppingon lotus, which means stepping on the Western Pure Land world, which means thatit is not contaminated by mud. The right leg is bent up to show good luck. Putyour hands on your knees and put your left hand on your right wrist. Especiallyher eyes, no matter which direction we look at her, we can feel her two eyeslooking down. Her eyes just form an emotional communication with the worshipers,which is respectful but not blasphemous. The white elephants and golden monkeyson the left and right are her and Puxian's mounts. One of the reasons why she isdown is the direction we just mentioned. Another reason is that Guanyin oncemade a vow: "all living beings will never end and never meet.". But how can allliving beings reach the end of universal salvation? So she can only sit backforever.

河北隆兴寺英语导游词 篇3

  Dear friends

  Good morning, welcome to Zhengding, Hebei Province. You are tired from yourjourney. I hope the warm sun in winter can drive away the dust and fatigue alongthe way, I'm __, your tour guide this time. I hope I can lead you to soar in thehappiness that tourism brings us. Next, I'd like to introduce one of the mostimpolite members in our car, because he always faces you with his back. He isour driver, Master Li. In fact, master Li is recognized as an excellent driverin our tourism industry. Steadiness is not only the pronoun of his characterIt's synonymous with his driving skills. Although his car is a little heavy,it's still very stable. You will really feel safe and comfortable in his car.Well, we will arrive at our destination in about 20 minutes. Let's enjoy thescenery outside the window and have a rest!

  Today, I have the honor to show you the Longxing Temple, a key culturalrelic protection unit in China. Longxing Temple is one of the famous temples inChina, known as the four treasures of North China. It was built in the sixthyear of kaihuang in Sui Dynasty, and now has a history of more than 1400 years.As a matter of fact, the original name of Longxing Temple was "longzang Temple",that is, longzang with hidden dragon and crouching tiger. In the early SongDynasty, the Tibetan character was changed to Xingxing, and it was changed toLongxing Temple in the 49th year of Kangxi. From the name, we can also think ofhow prosperous our Longxing Temple was in the past dynasties.

  Longxing Temple, with Dabei Pavilion as the main body, is a large-scalearchitectural complex in Song Dynasty. The existing area of the temple is 82500square meters. The main buildings are distributed on the North-South centralaxis and its two sides. The whole building complex is high and low, and theprimary and secondary are distinct. It is an important example to study thearchitectural layout of Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty. After so manyintroductions, you must have a strong interest in this religious complex withthousands of history. Now please follow me to see its mysterious face!

  There are six cultural relics in Longxing Temple, which can be regarded asthe most famous in China. They pass through the Tianwang hall and Dajue Liushihall. Now in front of you, this majestic hall is the first one we want to visittoday, the most famous one in China: mani hall. Mani hall was built in thefourth year of emperor you of Northern Song Dynasty, covering an area of 1400square meters. As you can see, its layout is very unique. The center of the mainhall is the Xieshan peak with double eaves. In the center of the four sides ofthe square hall, there is a mountain flower in each side. The Xieshan Baoxia infront of it makes the whole building plane form a cross shape. From the outside,we can see that the whole hall overlaps magnificently and is full of changes,which is the only existing example of Song Dynasty architecture in China. If youlook at it again, the brackets under the eaves of the hall are large, thedistribution is sparse, the columns are thick, and there are obvious rollingbrake side corners and rising, which are consistent with the Song Dynasty's"building French style". Liang Sicheng, an expert on ancient architecture inChina, praised the empress of Mani hall. He said that this kind of layout wasonly seen in Song Dynasty paintings except the turret of the Forbidden City inBeijing. Do you have the feeling of crossing time and space to be in SongDynasty paintings now? Let's get out of the association quickly. Afterappreciating the general architecture of this painting from the appearance,let's go in and enjoy it more beautiful Connotation!

  Please note that next I'd like to introduce Longxing Temple's second mostbeautiful, the most beautiful inverted Guanyin in China. Please look at thiscolorful clay sculpture hanging mountain on the north wall of the inner troughof Mani hall. There are more than 30 existing statues in the hanging mountain,but the most eye-catching one is the colorful Guanyin Bodhisattva in the middle,commonly known as "inverted Guanyin". Because Guanyin Bodhisattva has the oathof "all living beings will never be able to reach the end of universalsalvation, and all living beings will never reach the end of universalsalvation", it forms the image of inverted sitting Guanyin. The statue ofAvalokitesvara is 3.4 meters high. Please look at the eyes with deep wisdomoverlooking us. Do you feel shocked? In fact, what is beautiful about her is notonly her elegant posture, beautiful face, but also her broad mind and hertouching compassion.

  Through the archway and the altar, we can see that there are two typicaltwo-story Pavilion style buildings in the Northern Song Dynasty on both sides ofthe central axis. They are zhuanlunzang Pavilion and Cihua Pavilion.

  The zhuanlunzang pavilion was built in the Northern Song Dynasty. Thediameter of the zhuanlunzang Pavilion in front of us is 7 meters. It is dividedinto three parts: the Tibetan seat, the Tibetan body and the Tibetan roof. A10.8-meter wooden shaft runs up and down in the middle. You will be interestedto ask what is the use of such a special magic weapon? According to historicalrecords, zhuanlunzang was created for the convenience of illiterate or nonliterate believers in the southern Liang Dynasty. The believers have the samemerit in pushing the wheel for a week as in reading the Scriptures once.Although it has been thousands of years, it only needs two or three people tomake it rotate slowly. Isn't it amazing? As a special kind of magic weapon, ithas a history of more than 1400 years since it was produced. However, due tonatural and man-made reasons, there are few existing objects in China. Amongthem, lunzang in Longxing Temple is the oldest and the largest one, which is tenyears old Precious historical remains.

  As we all know, in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Sui Dynasty wasa transitional period from Hanli to Tangkai. The longzangsi stele that I want tointroduce now is the representative work of this period. Its font is dull andbroad, clumsy but elegant, solemn but not dull. It can be said that it is astandard regular script and precious material for studying the history ofChinese calligraphy. Kang Youwei, a famous scholar in modern times, also praisedthis tablet as "the first tablet of Sui Dynasty", and later generations evencalled it "the ancestor of regular script". Please enjoy it!

  What we are seeing now is the Dabei Pavilion, the main building of LongxingTemple. Entering it, we will see a 21.3-meter-high bronze cast iron Guanyin,which was cast in the fourth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has42 arms. Besides its two eyes, it has 20 hands on the left and right sides ofits body, holding different magic weapons. Each hand has one eye, which becomes40 hands and 40 eyes. It is said that each hand eye has 25 kinds of mana, and 40hands and 25 eyes become thousands of hands and thousands of eyes. Therefore,this Avalokitesvara is also known as "Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands andeyes". It is worth mentioning that as early as more than 1000 years ago,Longxing Temple was naturally called the "Great Buddha Temple" because of itsexistence. It was only by hand that such a large bronze Buddha was made withoutmechanization, which created a miracle in the history of metallurgy and foundryin the world.

  Finally, we came to the Pilu hall, where a bronze statue of Pilu Buddha wasworshipped in the middle. "Pilu" is the Sanskrit abbreviation of "piluzana",which means "light shines everywhere". Pilu Buddha is Sakyamuni's Dharma Buddha.This Pilu Buddha is 6.72 meters high. There is a small Buddha on the Chiba lotuspetals of the three-layer lotus seat, forming a pattern of "Thousand Buddhascircling Pilu". There are also three layers of four Buddhas, a total of 12. EachPilu Buddha wears a five Buddha crown. There are 1072 large and small Buddhastatues on the whole Buddha statue, which has a high historical, scientific andartistic value. It is an isolated case at home and abroad.

  The happy time always passed quickly. Our tour was coming to an end. If youhave any opinions and suggestions on me, you must tell me so that I can improveand make better progress. Thank you!

河北隆兴寺英语导游词 篇4

  Dear friends: Good morning, welcome to Zhengding, Hebei Province! You'vehad a hard journey. I'm looking forward to the warm winter sun driving away thedust and fatigue along the way, I'm LV Xiang, your guide this time. I hope I canlead you to fly in the joy that tourism brings us. Next, I'd like to introduceone of the most impolite members in our car. Because he always faces you withhis back, he is our driver, Master Li. In fact, master Li is recognized as anexcellent driver in our tourism industry. He is not the only one The pronoun oftemperament is also the pronoun of his driving skills. Although his car is alittle heavy, it is still very stable. You will really appreciate the safety andcomfort in his car. Well, we will reach our goal in about two to ten minutes.Let's enjoy the scenery outside the window and have a rest!

  Today, I have the honor to show you the Longxing Temple, a key culturalrelic maintenance unit in China. Longxing Temple is one of the famous temples inChina, known as the four treasures of North China. It was first built in thesixth year of kaihuang in Sui Dynasty, and now has a history of more than 1400years. In fact, the original name of Longxing Temple was "longzang Temple", thatis, longzang with hidden dragon and crouching tiger. In the early Song Dynasty,the Tibetan character was changed to exuberant Xing character. In the 49th yearof Kangxi, it was changed to the name we saw at the beginning - Longxing Temple.From the name we can also think of, in the past dynasties, our Longxing Templeincense has been so prosperous.

  Longxing Temple, with Dabei Pavilion as the main body, is a Song Dynastybuilding group with a huge north-south depth. The existing area of the temple is82500 square meters, and the important buildings are distributed on thenorth-south axis and its two sides. All the buildings are scattered high andlow, and the primary and secondary are obvious. It is the main example to studythe architectural layout of Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty. After so manyintroductions, you must be very interested in this religious building complexwith thousands of history. Now please follow me to have a look at its mysteriousappearance!

  There are six cultural relics in Longxing Temple, which can be regarded asthe most in China. They pass through the Tianwang hall and Dajue Liushi hall.Now in front of you, this majestic hall is the first one we want to visit today,which is the most isolated example of Chinese Architecture: mani hall. Mani hallwas built in the fourth year of Huangyou reign of the Northern Song Dynasty,covering an area of 1400 square meters. As you can see, its layout is verystrange. The center of the main hall is Xieshan with double eaves. In the centerof the four sides of the square hall, there is a mountain flower in each side.Xieshan Baoxia in front of it makes the whole building form a cross shape. Fromthe outside, we can see that the whole hall overlaps magnificently and is fullof changes. This kind of architectural method is the only remaining example ofSong Dynasty architecture in China. If you look at it again, the brackets underthe eaves of the hall are large, the distribution is sparse, the columns arethick, and there are obvious rolling brake side corners and rising, which areconsistent with the Song Dynasty's "construction law". Liang Sicheng, an expertin Chinese ancient architecture, praised the invention of Mani hall. He saidthat this kind of layout was only seen in Song Dynasty paintings except theturret of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Do you have the feeling of shuttlingthrough time and space in Song Dynasty paintings now? Let's get out of theAssociation quickly. After appreciating the individual buildings in thispainting from the appearance, let's go in and enjoy its more beautiful sceneryConnotation!

  Please pay attention. Now I'm going to introduce the second most beautifulstatue in Longxing Temple, the most beautiful inverted Guanyin in China. Pleaselook at this colorful clay sculpture hanging mountain on the north wall of theinner trough of Mani hall. There are more than 30 clay statues in the hangingmountain, but the most noticeable one is the colorful Guanyin Bodhisattva in themiddle, commonly known as "inverted Guanyin". Because Guanyin Bodhisattva hasthe oath of "all living beings will never be able to reach the end of universalsalvation, and all living beings will never reach the end of universalsalvation", it constitutes the image of inverted sitting Guanyin. The statue ofAvalokitesvara is 3.4 meters high. Please look at the eyes with deep wisdomoverlooking us. Do you feel shocked? In fact, what is beautiful about her is notonly her elegant posture and elegant appearance, but also her vast mind andtouching charity.

  Through the archway and the altar, we can see that scattered on both sidesof the central axis are two typical two-story pavilions built in the NorthernSong Dynasty, which can be distinguished as the lunzang Pavilion and the CihuaPavilion.

  The zhuanlunzang pavilion was built in the Northern Song Dynasty. Thediameter of the zhuanlunzang Pavilion in front of us is 7 meters. It is dividedinto three parts: the Tibetan seat, the Tibetan body and the Tibetan roof. Nextto it is a 10.8-meter wooden shaft. You will be interested to ask what is theuse of such a special magic weapon? According to historical records,zhuanluncang was created for the convenience of illiterate believers or thosewho had no time to read scriptures in the southern Liang Dynasty. The believerspush the wheel for a week and read the Scriptures again. Although it has beenthousands of years, it can be rolled gradually with the help of two or threepeople. Isn't it amazing? As a special kind of magic weapon, it has a history ofmore than 1400 years. However, due to affectation and man-made reasons, thereare few existing objects in the sea. Among them, lunzang in Longxing Temple isthe oldest and the largest one, which is ten years old Precious historicalremains.

  As we all know, in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Sui Dynasty wasa transitional period from Hanli to Tangkai, and the longzangsi stele that Iwant to introduce now is just the representative work of this period. Its fontis dull and broad, clumsy but elegant, stable but not stagnant. It can be saidthat it is standard regular script and valuable material for studying thehistory of Chinese calligraphy. Kang Youwei, a famous scholar in modern times,also praised this monument as "the first monument of Sui Dynasty", and latergenerations even called it "the ancestor of regular script". Let's have a goodlook at it. First model net collects this article

  What we are seeing now is the Dabei Pavilion, the main building of LongxingTemple. Entering it, we will see a 21.3-meter-high bronze cast iron Guanyin,which was forged in the fourth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty. Ithas 42 arms. Besides its two eyes, it has 20 hands on each side of its body,holding different magic weapons separately. Each hand has one eye, which becomes40 hands and 40 eyes. It is said that each hand eye has 25 kinds of mana, and 40hands and 25 eyes become thousands of hands and thousands of eyes. Therefore,this Avalokitesvara is also known as "Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands andeyes". It is worth mentioning that as early as more than 1000 years ago, withoutmechanization, the bronze Buddha was completely cast by hand, which invented awonder in the history of metallurgy and foundry in the world. It is preciselybecause of its existence that people naturally called Longxing Temple "GreatBuddha Temple".

  Finally, we came to the Pilu hall, where a bronze statue of Pilu Buddha wasworshipped in the middle. "Pilu" is the Sanskrit abbreviation of "piluzana",which means "shining everywhere". Pilu Buddha is Sakyamuni's Dharma Buddha. ThisPilu Buddha is 6.72 meters high. There is a small Buddha cast on the Chiba lotuspetals of the three-layer rosette, resulting in the pattern of "Thousand Buddhascircling Pilu". There are also three layers of four Zhou Buddhas, a total of 12.Each Pilu Buddha wears a five Buddha crown. There are 1072 large and smallBuddha statues on the whole Buddha statue, which has a high historical,superstitious and artistic value. It can be called an isolated case at home andabroad.

河北隆兴寺英语导游词 篇5

  Dear friends:

  Good morning, welcome to Zhengding, Hebei Province! You've had a hard journey. I'm looking forward to the warm winter sun driving away the dust and fatigue along the way, I'm LV Xiang, your guide this time. I hope I can lead you to fly in the joy that tourism brings us. Next, I'd like to introduce one of the most impolite members in our car. Because he always faces you with his back, he is our driver, Master Li. In fact, master Li is recognized as an excellent driver in our tourism industry. He is not the only one The pronoun of temperament is also the pronoun of his driving skills. Although his car is a little heavy, it is still very stable. You will really appreciate the safety and comfort in his car. Well, we will reach our goal in about two to ten minutes. Let's enjoy the scenery outside the window and have a rest!

  Today, I have the honor to show you the Longxing Temple, a key cultural relic maintenance unit in China. Longxing Temple is one of the famous temples in China, known as the four treasures of North China. It was first built in the sixth year of kaihuang in Sui Dynasty, and now has a history of more than 1400 years. In fact, the original name of Longxing Temple was "longzang Temple", that is, longzang with hidden dragon and crouching tiger. In the early Song Dynasty, the Tibetan character was changed to exuberant Xing character. In the 49th year of Kangxi, it was changed to the name we saw at the beginning - Longxing Temple. From the name we can also think of, in the past dynasties, our Longxing Temple incense has been so prosperous.

  Longxing Temple, with Dabei Pavilion as the main body, is a Song Dynasty building group with a huge north-south depth. The existing area of the temple is 82500 square meters, and the important buildings are distributed on the north-south axis and its two sides. All the buildings are scattered high and low, and the primary and secondary are obvious. It is the main example to study the architectural layout of Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty. After so many introductions, you must be very interested in this religious building complex with thousands of history. Now please follow me to have a look at its mysterious appearance!

  There are six cultural relics in Longxing Temple, which can be regarded as the most in China. They pass through the Tianwang hall and Dajue Liushi hall. Now in front of you, this majestic hall is the first one we want to visit today, which is the most isolated example of Chinese Architecture: mani hall. Mani hall was built in the fourth year of Huangyou reign of the Northern Song Dynasty, covering an area of 1400 square meters. As you can see, its layout is very strange. The center of the main hall is Xieshan with double eaves. In the center of the four sides of the square hall, there is a mountain flower in each side. Xieshan Baoxia in front of it makes the whole building form a cross shape. From the outside, we can see that the whole hall overlaps magnificently and is full of changes. This kind of architectural method is the only remaining example of Song Dynasty architecture in China. If you look at it again, the brackets under the eaves of the hall are large, the distribution is sparse, the columns are thick, and there are obvious rolling brake side corners and rising, which are consistent with the Song Dynasty's "construction law". Liang Sicheng, an expert in Chinese ancient architecture, praised the invention of Mani hall. He said that this kind of layout was only seen in Song Dynasty paintings except the turret of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Do you have the feeling of shuttling through time and space in Song Dynasty paintings now? Let's get out of the Association quickly. After appreciating the individual buildings in this painting from the appearance, let's go in and enjoy its more beautiful scenery Connotation!

  Please pay attention. Now I'm going to introduce the second most beautiful statue in Longxing Temple, the most beautiful inverted Guanyin in China. Please look at this colorful clay sculpture hanging mountain on the north wall of the inner trough of Mani hall. There are more than 30 clay statues in the hanging mountain, but the most noticeable one is the colorful Guanyin Bodhisattva in the middle, commonly known as "inverted Guanyin". Because Guanyin Bodhisattva has the oath of "all living beings will never be able to reach the end of universal salvation, and all living beings will never reach the end of universal salvation", it constitutes the image of inverted sitting Guanyin. The statue of Avalokitesvara is 3.4 meters high. Please look at the eyes with deep wisdom overlooking us. Do you feel shocked? In fact, what is beautiful about her is not only her elegant posture and elegant appearance, but also her vast mind and touching charity.

  Through the archway and the altar, we can see that scattered on both sides of the central axis are two typical two-story pavilions built in the Northern Song Dynasty, which can be distinguished as the lunzang Pavilion and the Cihua Pavilion.

  The zhuanlunzang pavilion was built in the Northern Song Dynasty. The diameter of the zhuanlunzang Pavilion in front of us is 7 meters. It is divided into three parts: the Tibetan seat, the Tibetan body and the Tibetan roof. Next to it is a 10.8-meter wooden shaft. You will be interested to ask what is the use of such a special magic weapon? According to historical records, zhuanluncang was created for the convenience of illiterate believers or those who had no time to read scriptures in the southern Liang Dynasty. The believers push the wheel for a week and read the Scriptures again. Although it has been thousands of years, it can be rolled gradually with the help of two or three people. Isn't it amazing? As a special kind of magic weapon, it has a history of more than 1400 years. However, due to affectation and man-made reasons, there are few existing objects in the sea. Among them, lunzang in Longxing Temple is the oldest and the largest one, which is ten years old Precious historical remains.

  As we all know, in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Sui Dynasty was a transitional period from Hanli to Tangkai, and the longzangsi stele that I want to introduce now is just the representative work of this period. Its font is dull and broad, clumsy but elegant, stable but not stagnant. It can be said that it is standard regular script and valuable material for studying the history of Chinese calligraphy. Kang Youwei, a famous scholar in modern times, also praised this monument as "the first monument of Sui Dynasty", and later generations even called it "the ancestor of regular script". Let's have a good look at it. First model net collects this article

  What we are seeing now is the Dabei Pavilion, the main building of Longxing Temple. Entering it, we will see a 21.3-meter-high bronze cast iron Guanyin, which was forged in the fourth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has 42 arms. Besides its two eyes, it has 20 hands on each side of its body, holding different magic weapons separately. Each hand has one eye, which becomes 40 hands and 40 eyes. It is said that each hand eye has 25 kinds of mana, and 40 hands and 25 eyes become thousands of hands and thousands of eyes. Therefore, this Avalokitesvara is also known as "Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands and eyes". It is worth mentioning that as early as more than 1000 years ago, without mechanization, the bronze Buddha was completely cast by hand, which invented a wonder in the history of metallurgy and foundry in the world. It is precisely because of its existence that people naturally called Longxing Temple "Great Buddha Temple".

  Finally, we came to the Pilu hall, where a bronze statue of Pilu Buddha was worshipped in the middle. "Pilu" is the Sanskrit abbreviation of "piluzana", which means "shining everywhere". Pilu Buddha is Sakyamuni's Dharma Buddha. This Pilu Buddha is 6.72 meters high. There is a small Buddha cast on the Chiba lotus petals of the three-layer rosette, resulting in the pattern of "Thousand Buddhas circling Pilu". There are also three layers of four Zhou Buddhas, a total of 12. Each Pilu Buddha wears a five Buddha crown. There are 1072 large and small Buddha statues on the whole Buddha statue, which has a high historical, superstitious and artistic value. It can be called an isolated case at home and abroad.

河北隆兴寺英语导游词 篇6

  Longxing Temple was originally the Longteng garden of yanmurongxi in theSixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In 586, Emperor Wen of theSui Dynasty rebuilt the temple in the garden, which was called longzang temple.It was renamed Longxing Temple in Tang Dynasty.

  In the second year of Kaibao (969) of the Northern Song Dynasty, ZhaoKuangyin, the song Taizu, came to Hedong and stayed in Zhenzhou (laterZhengding). When he went to the Dabei temple in the west of the city, which wasfounded by the eminent monks of the Tang Dynasty, he learned that the originalbronze Bodhisattva was four feet and nine feet high, and that there were twocalamities in the later Han Dynasty's Khitan invasion and the Later ZhouDynasty's destruction of the Buddha to cast money In Longxing Temple of thecity, the body of the great compassion Bodhisattva was recast and the greatcompassion pavilion was built. The project was started in the fourth year ofKaibao (971) and completed in the eighth year of Kaibao (975). With this as themain body, the central axis layout was adopted for Daxing expansion, forming aSong Dynasty architectural complex with north-south depth, large-scale andmomentum.

  In 1858, the palace on the west road was occupied by the Catholic Church,and the buildings on the middle and East roads were also damaged. There are fewvisiting monks in the temple, and the gate is deserted.

  In 1961, it was announced by the State Council as a national key culturalrelics protection unit.

河北隆兴寺英语导游词 篇7

  The Longxing Temple we are going to now is located in Zhengding County, 15 kilometers north of Shijiazhuang. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Beijing Shenzhen Expressway pass through the territory. It takes about 40 minutes from downtown to Zhengding County. Zhengding is the South Gate of Beijing. It has always been a place for military strategists. In history, it was called "Sanxiong town in the north" together with Baoding and Beijing. Up to now, stone carvings of "Sanguan Xiong town" are embedded in the South Gate of Zhengding. Zhengding is an ancient cultural city with a long history. It was the state of Xianyu in the spring and Autumn period. The Warring States period belonged to the state of Zhongshan. After Zhao destroyed Zhongshan, it belonged to the state of Zhao. In the Qin Dynasty, it belonged to Hengshan County. In the early Han Dynasty, it was called Dongyuan County. In the reign of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty, it was renamed Zhending, implying real stability. Since 1400, it has been the seat of government, state, county and county. In 1723, the emperor yongzhengyuan of Qing Dynasty avoided the name of Yinzhen, the emperor Shizong, so it is still in use today.

  With a long history, Zhengding has left a unique style of scenic spots and historic sites, known as "three mountains are missing, nine bridges are missing, nine floors, four towers, eight temples, and 24 gold medals square". "San Shan Bu Jian" refers to the fact that Zhengding used the names of Zhongshan, Hengshan and Changshan in history, but there was no mountain in Zhengding. "Nine bridges do not flow" means that there are three bridges in front of the gate of Longxing Temple, in front of the main hall of Gufu and county Confucian temple, but they are all dry bridges. "Nine towers, four towers and eight temples" refer to the four gate towers, four corner towers and Yanghe tower of the ancient city; four towers refer to Lingxiao tower, Huata tower, Xumi tower and chengling tower; Eight Temples refer to Longxing Temple, Guanghui temple, Linji temple, Kaiyuan Temple, Tianning Temple, Qiansi temple, housi temple and Chongyin temple. "24 gold medal archways" means that Zhengding used to have 24 gold medal archways, large and small, such as the larger Xujia archway and Liangjia archway. With the change of history and the wind and rain, many precious cultural relics have been destroyed. However, judging from the existing four national protected cultural relics, seven provincial protected cultural relics and more than 10 county-level protected cultural relics, it is still a famous historical and cultural city. The ancient city was listed as a provincial historical and cultural city in 1990 and a national historical and cultural city in 1994.

  Zhengding tourism has the characteristics of "new and old", "elegant and popular". Among many places of interest, Longxing Temple, which was built in 586 ad, was built by Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of Song Dynasty. It is majestic and well preserved. It enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. It is praised as "the first famous temple outside Beijing" by the famous ancient architect Mr. Liang Sicheng. In addition, the Huata of Guanghui temple is a clever combination of Vajra pagoda and flower pagoda. The Lingxiao tower of Tianning Temple is the first wooden tower in China. The Tang Dynasty bell tower of Kaiyuan Temple corresponds to the ancient pagoda, which provides valuable information for the study of the development of Buddhism in China. The chengling Pagoda in Linji temple is the mantle pagoda of Yixuan, the founder of Linji sect of Buddhism. At ordinary times, a large number of Japanese monks come to worship the ancestral pagoda, which becomes a link between China and Japan.

  There are many new landscapes in Zhengding, which mainly focus on promoting national culture. Rongguofu was built in strict accordance with the architectural pattern of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. There are also journey to the West Palace, Fengshen romance palace and so on. In addition, the national table tennis training base in Zhengding is also famous.

  In a few minutes, we are going to have the grand Longxing Temple. Let me give you a brief introduction to the general situation of Longxing Temple. Longxing Temple is a large-scale, earlier, majestic and well preserved Buddhist building complex in China. In order to keep this famous temple well preserved, Premier Zhou Enlai gave instructions on the battle plan before the "Zhengtai campaign": we must try to protect a number of cultural relics and historic sites such as Zhengding Longxing Temple.

  Longxing Temple was built in the sixth year of kaihuang (586 AD) of Sui Dynasty. It was named longzang temple at the beginning, and was changed into Longxing Temple in Tang Dynasty. In the fourth year of Kaibao of Song Dynasty (971 AD), in the name of song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, Longxing Temple was expanded, Dabei pavilion was built, and 21.3-meter-high bronze Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands and eyes was cast. A group of Song Dynasty buildings rose from the ground. In Jin, yuan and Ming Dynasties, they were all repaired and rebuilt. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, it was rebuilt twice, and the Imperial Palace was built on both sides. In 1709, it was rebuilt and renamed "Longxing Temple". This is probably because Emperor Kangxi also thought that Zhengding had outstanding people and was afraid of the emperor in the future, so he changed "dragon" to "dragon".

  Longxing Temple covers an area of 82500 square meters. The main buildings still retain the style and characteristics of Song Dynasty architecture. The whole building is arranged on a central axis from south to north, including Erlong Xizhu Zhaobi, Sankong stone bridge, Tianwang hall, ruins of Dajue Liushi hall, Mani hall, altar, Cishi Pavilion, zhuanlunzang Pavilion, Dabei Pavilion, Mituo hall, Pilu hall, etc.

  Having said that, we have arrived at Longxing Temple. Please follow me to visit.

  Erlongxizhu, Zhaobi, Shiqiao

  The tall glazed screen wall that we see now is a screen wall that blocks the gate of ancient temples and famous people. In the center of the wall is the pattern of "two dragons playing with pearls" carved on glazed bricks. The two dragons are flying in the sky, which is very spectacular. The three single hole stone bridges we are now passing are three of the nine bridges that do not flow. According to folklore, there used to be half a Luan stand here, and Zhao Kuangyin visited here many times.

  The most important hall in the temple -- Tianwang Hall

  Tianwang hall is one of the most important halls in Longxing Temple. It has three deep rooms and three wide rooms. It is a Northern Song Dynasty building with single eaves and seven purlins. However, it was overhauled in the Qing Dynasty, as evidenced by floating clouds and Dougong.

  On the top of the central arch of the hall, there is a gold horizontal plaque written by Xuanye, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. You come into the hall with me. In the middle of the hall is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly and a smiling face. He is one of the Mahayana Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. The orthodox Maitreya Buddha should wear a Bodhisattva costume and a heavenly crown. According to the Buddhist Scripture, Maitreya is his surname, ayido. He was born into a big Brahman family in southern India and was a distinguished nobleman. After becoming a disciple of Sakyamuni, he ascended to the 33rd level of heaven, douhutian (the paradise of alternate Buddha). The Buddha predicted that he would inherit Sakyamuni's Buddhism and become a Buddha in the future. In other words, he is the legal successor of the Buddha, also known as the future Buddha. The cloth bag in his hand is called the heaven and earth bag, also known as the race bag. It can hold the world and give away children, implying that Buddhism is boundless.

  Now we can see the Buddha statue of Maitreya with big belly. It is said that it was a monk in the Five Dynasties and a native of Fenghua, Zhejiang Province. It's called cheeZe. When I was alive, I often carried a cloth bag, begged when I saw things, talked incoherently, and slept at will, like madness. He is the author of the book "the passing of the world", which says: "Maitreya is true Maitreya, which is divided into hundreds of billions. It shows people from time to time, and the world does not know it." in addition, in the history of Zhejiang Province, Maitreya reincarnation organized many peasant uprisings, so the world thought that he was the incarnation of Maitreya, and created Maitreya according to his appearance. Some Siyuan wrote another antithetical couplet on both sides of the Straits Association: "if you have a big stomach, you can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world. When you open your mouth, you will laugh at the ridiculous people in the world."

  On both sides of the hall are the familiar four heavenly kings. They are the kings of the East, the south, the West and the north. They hold pipa, sword, dragon and umbrella respectively. After the four heavenly kings were introduced into China, they were endowed with Chinese Moral: the southern heavenly king was in charge of the wind, the eastern heavenly king was in charge of the wind, the northern heavenly king was in charge of the rain, and the Western heavenly king was in charge of the rain. All in all, they are "in good weather", implying a bumper harvest of grain.

  When you come here, you may have some doubts: why don't you see the mountain gate? Most temples should pass the mountain gate first and then enter the temple, but Longxing Temple has no mountain gate. There is a beautiful legend here. It is said that Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty ordered general Yuchi Jingde to supervise the construction of Longxing Temple. When the project was about to end, the news came that the king of the Tang Dynasty wanted to kill Qin Qiong. Qin Qiong was Yuchi Gong's good friend. Yuchi Gong quickly returned to the court. When he arrived near Kaifeng, Henan Province, the Construction officials caught up with him and asked him where the mountain gate was. Yuchi Gong was very anxious. Without thinking, he pointed with a steel whip: "it's here to repair.". So the builders built the mountain gate there. Up to now, there is a doggerel in Zhengding: "the gate of the temple is far away, and the gate is in Henan.". Of course, it's just a legend. According to historical research, Yuchi Gong has never been to Zhengding, let alone the theory that the king of Tang Dynasty killed Qin Qiong. It is only a common layout of temple buildings to replace the Mountain Gate with the heavenly king hall.

  Eternal regret: the ruins of the Sixth Division Hall of Dajue

  The ruins we see now are the ruins of the Sixth Division Hall of Dajue, which used to be the largest Buddhist hall in the temple. It is said that the building is 34.5 meters wide and 18.3 meters high, with colorful hanging mountains and gold statues inside, which is very spectacular. It was first built in the Yuanfeng period of Shenzong of Song Dynasty. The capitals of Jin, yuan and Qing Dynasties were rebuilt. In the early years of the Republic of China, it was a great pity that it collapsed because of years of disrepair. Dajue is another explanation of the purpose. Buddha is the transliteration abbreviation of "Buddha" in Sanskrit, and free translation is "awakener". According to the Buddhist Scripture, those who can be "conscious", "aware of others" and "aware of perfection" can become Buddhas.

  It is said that there were six Buddha statues here, and Hinayana Buddhism believed that they were the six ancestors before Sakyamuni. According to historical records, Brahmanism prevailed in ancient India at the end of the sixth century, but it advocated that Brahmanism created man, which was essentially a kind of racial discrimination. In this way, many people are against it. In addition to Sakyamuni, there are six influential figures. In a word, they are different from Buddhism and are called "the six masters of WaiDao". Here is dedicated to the six masters other than Buddhism, which means that the ancient political unity of the majority.

  Mani Hall: the architectural model of the Song Dynasty's "building French style"

  There are six places in Longxing Temple, which can be called the best in China. Now let's take a look at the first place: the shape of Mani hall. We are now standing outside the hall to see the main hall: the plane of the main hall is in a cross shape, with mountain flowers in the middle of all the four directions. In the center of the hall is a double eaves and a top of Xieshan mountain, with green tiles for filling the core and green glazed tiles for trimming. Under the eaves, the brackets are grand, the distribution is sparse, the columns are thick, and the rolling brake, side corner and rising are obvious. Careful observation shows that the two ends of the horizontal column are high, medium and low, and the upper end of the vertical column is gradually inward. This kind of structure is similar to the Song Dynasty's "Zao Zao FA Shi", which was very common before the Tang and Song Dynasties, and gradually lost after the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This is the only isolated example of ancient architecture in China. This unique building once deeply attracted Mr. Liang Sicheng. In 1933, he braved war and chaos to come to inspect, and specially included this photo in the history of world architecture.

  The word "mani" in Mani hall means hero and saint. Some people think it is another transliteration of "Mou Ni"; others think it means Manichaeism. We can also see lions, chickens, peacocks, horses, dragons and other animals on the eaves of the pavilion of Mani hall, as well as a monk riding a lion. He is what we often call "Wangfeng Buddha". In Buddhism, he was built around the roof to show the evil spirit of avoiding disaster.

  Please follow me into the hall. We can see that the colorful clay sculpture in the center is a sitting statue of Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni and Confucius are contemporaries. They are the founders of Buddhism. Their surname is qiaodamo and their name is Siddhartha. Standing on his right side, his elder disciple JIAYE is holding his fist with both hands. The wise and devout man with his left hand folded is Ananda. Chinese Zen said that he was the second generation patriarch who inherited Buddhism. The above three statues are original sculptures of the Song Dynasty. The two figures in front of the three statues are Manjusri Bodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva, who were made up during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty. Their mounts are lions and white elephants. When it comes to Bodhisattvas, the four Bodhisattvas in China are Manjusri, Puxian, Guanyin and dizang. He praised Manjusri as "great wisdom", sages as "great action", Guanyin as "great sorrow", and dizang as "great wish". They are said to have four famous Buddhist Mountains: Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, Mount Putuo and Mount Jiuhua.

  Let's take a look at the murals around the hall. This is a picture of the origin and development of the Shi family, which was drawn during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty with Buddhist stories as the theme. This mural vividly depicts the whole process of Sakyamuni's birth, becoming a monk, asceticism, becoming a Taoist and nirvana. The existing area is 422 square meters. Let's take a look at the East gable wall's "Grand View of the west": this mural depicts the prosperity of the Western Paradise. Let's take a closer look at the lower left corner of the painting. Within an area of about 1 square meter, it depicts the human life, old age, illness, death and many other sufferings in a dim gray green. It is in sharp contrast to the splendor of the sky. Buddhists believe that only devout practice can get rid of the eight sufferings in the world and become Buddhists.

  Please follow me to the north side of the temple and have a look at the second most popular place in the country in Longxing Temple: daozuo Guanyin. What we see now is an exquisite and elegant colorful mountain. Luohan and the God of Dharma guard patrol the mountains. Water spray animals and water absorbing animals keep the sea water flowing, which symbolizes that there are successors to Buddhism. The 3.4-meter-high statue in the middle is the famous inverted Guanyin. As we all know, most statues in temples face south. But this Guanyin is facing north from south. Please see, Guanyin's left foot is stepping on lotus, which means stepping on the Western Pure Land world, which means that it is not contaminated by mud. The right leg is bent up to show good luck. Put your hands on your knees and put your left hand on your right wrist. Especially her eyes, no matter which direction we look at her, we can feel her two eyes looking down. Her eyes just form an emotional communication with the worshipers, which is respectful but not blasphemous. The white elephants and golden monkeys on the left and right are her and Puxian's mounts. One of the reasons why she is down is the direction we just mentioned. Another reason is that Guanyin once made a vow: "all living beings will never end and never meet.". But how can all living beings reach the end of universal salvation? So she can only sit back forever.

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